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african rural volunteers organization
Teshie nunuga, 246 Beach drive, Accra, , , Ghana We need help in finding volunteers who can help in rural communities in Ghana, on the following areas: education,health care, humanitarian aid, teaching, orphanage care, sports, and all the humanitarian activities .We are focused on ensuring that the needs of these rural citizens are met especially... More Info

Countries/States Served GH, NG
, , , , More Info

Countries/States Served
Ekeley C. Ekeley
, Lagos, , , Nigeria am cool Africa rural volunteer network, a global concept, with a global perspective..........affecting lives., Accra, Ghana, volunteer club of nigeria, , , africanruralvolunteers.org, , , More Info

Countries/States Served
Mo Nabih
, Cairo, , , Egypt ABU Robocon 2012 Hong Kong, , , Student, , , More Info

Countries/States Served
, , , , More Info

Countries/States Served
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Countries/States Served
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Countries/States Served
p.o.box 791 mamprbi, accra, Accra, , 00233, GH Volunteer Aid Ghana (VAG) is a non profit, non-governmental organization focused on the establishment and promotion of strategic ideas and resources that both on the short term and long term should provide sustenance in building worthy sense of life and livelihood for the needy and marginalized in society.... More Info

Countries/States Served GH, GH, GH, GH, GH, GH, GH, GH, GH, GH, GH, GH, GH, GH, GH, GH, GH, GH, GH, GH, GH, GH, GH, GH, GH, GH, GH, GH, GH, GH
The Empowerment Pulse
76E Westfield Avenue, Roselle Park, NJ, 07204, US The Empowerment Pulse (EP) is a research, training, volunteer placement and consulting non- profit organization based in the United States, and is dedicated to poverty reduction through improving the availability, effectiveness and funding of programs in the areas of substance abuse and mental health... More Info

Countries/States Served KE
Sacred Heart Visiting Nurses Hospice
2268 S. 12th Street, Allentown, PA, 18103, US Our goal is to enable terminally ill patients, young and old, to live life to the fullest in their homes among family and friends. Our multidisciplinary team includes physicians, nurses, therapists, medical social workers, clergy, other counselors and volunteers. More Info

Countries/States Served PA
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