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Olivia Richter
Member Since: April 06, 2016
Location: Oxford Connecticut United States

Last Updated: April 08, 2016

About Me:
I am a current undergraduate student-athlete at the University of Maryland Baltimore County progressing toward completion of a Bachelor's of Science in Biological Sciences. Upon earning this degree, I hope to apply and be accepted into either a medical school program or program to become a certified physician's assistant. I am a Connecticut resident attending college out-of-state in a suburb of Baltimore in Baltimore County, Maryland. I am looking for opportunities that will allow me to gain experience in the field of medicine and health sciences.
Health Specialty: All Trainable Volunteers
Area of Focus: Anything related to medical service and/or volunteering in the health sector.
Skills: Any skills related to customer service (i.e. waitressing, serving), Uploading/entering data including HRV (heart rate) data, ABP (ambulatory blood pressure), Morning, Daily, and Night diaries of study participants using Microsoft Excel, Phillips Actiware program, Polar Watch program, and ABP Data program, Exporting HRV (heart rate) data and converting into text files to be sent, Meta-analysis completion, along with a presentation to fellow research assistant, doctor, and graduate student, Relating different study instruments and measures/scales, Taking lab meeting notes during team meetings, Helping doctor revise and complete citations for research essay (published)
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Available To Meet Other Members: yes
Virtual Volunteer:
Languages Spoken: English (fluent), Italian (intermediate)
Hobbies: Volunteering, running, music
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