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peafoundation bangladesh
Park Rievere, Apt-6A, 22/A Monipuripara
Tejgaon, Dhaka,ZZ,880,Bangladesh

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Last Updated: 11.12.08
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Countries/States Served: Bangladesh
People Utilized or Employed: Trainable Volunteers, Nursing, Dental Hygiene
Types of Students Allowed:
Medical Students, Premedical Students, Dental Students, Predental Students, Nursing Students, Prenursing Students, Pharmacy Students, Veterinary Students, Preveterinary Students, Optometry Students, Preoptometry Students
Program Length: Long Term (Greater than 1 month)
Language Skills: English
Religious Affiliations:
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Current Volunteer Opportunities (Unpaid Positions)
Primary Health Care and Medical Program needed for 1 to 3 months
Opportunity Description: PEAFOUNDATION is seeking personnel with medical background to apply for volunteer work providing basic health care to impoverished rural populations, and children of orphanages in Bangladesh. We encourage medical students, nurses, and medical doctors to apply. Organize your own groups of 2-12 participants. Program start times are flexible according to your groups' needs. This will be a cultural and sightseeing experience, as well as clinical application of medical knowledge to those in need. The program includes Jungle Safari, Trekking and a lot of Sightseeing with Medical post placement.
Total Number of Volunteers Needed: 11
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Environmental & Sanitation Awareness needed for 1 to 3 months
Opportunity Description: These education projects are conducted at a very basic level, introducing the villagers to concepts and creative activities of Environmental Awareness and personal hygiene. Volunteers may also provide assistance to youth clubs or women's groups in the community sharing their ideas, skills and knowledge about environmental issues. Example projects include: creating "green" clubs, planting a flower garden, planting trees, garbage management, recycling programs, making a smokeless stove, building a toilet pit, etc
Total Number of Volunteers Needed: 10
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Teaching English - Children and Youth: needed for 3 to 6 months
Opportunity Description: Children and youth are the future of the nation. Volunteers do not need teaching qualifications to partake in this program, just a passion for children and having fun! Children enjoy new experiences as much as us so anything you can bring from home to show them how your life works and culture differs is beneficial. The locations of our Resource Centers ensures total immersion into Bangladeshi life and its culture. The time spent in the village creates a real sense of community, you live close by, walk through the village everyday, you become part of their lives for a while and with the local festivals and the occasional wedding to attend there is no end to how immersed you become in village life. If that is not enough to satisfy your needs there are local schools we support who are always more than welcoming to receive help from international volunteers. You can give as much or as little time as you like, and classes normally revolve around a curriculum unlike the Resource Centers where you are free to make your own lesson plans and bring your own ideas and games to the children.
Total Number of Volunteers Needed: 10
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Volunteer personal designed program needed for 1 to 3 months
Opportunity Description: Volunteers are welcome to design their own program
Total Number of Volunteers Needed: 12
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Mission Statement: (See Web Site For Updated Information)
Based in Bangladesh, PEAFOUNDATION is a non-profit organization registered with the Social Welfare Council of Bangladesh with many years of experience to run volunteer organization for social benefit.
Our mission is to create a global understanding by encouraging volunteers to assist with our community development and youth mobilization programs. Since its inception, We have placed so many volunteers from many countries in villages throughout Bangladesh and has developed a wide variety of successful programs addressing environmental and development issues. Many volunteers enjoy their experience so much that they return or extend their placement.

Volunteers visiting Bangladesh come for different reasons, but are united by their outgoing personality, friendly and easy going nature, their adventurous spirit and most importantly, their desire to make a difference. After completing a training session in Dhaka, volunteers move to various placements all over Bangladesh.

Promote community development without destroying traditional ways of life.

To educate communities on the importance of education, English language and literacy, hygiene and sanitary living, and environmental management.

To bring Western knowledge, care methodology and experience on a variety of education and health matters to the village communities.

To provide education and training for community youths to encourage and create opportunities for self-employment.

To focus on improving life for the poorest and most marginalized members of Bangladeshi society.
To provide language lessons and cultural information for people who come to Bangladesh to study, conduct research, and do voluntary work.
To introduce volunteers to the richness of Bangladesh culture and ensure a safe and memorable stay in a supportive environment.

Our Volunteers In Action!
Trips and Activities
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