A 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization
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I would like to make a volunteering
inquiry to this organization

Last Updated: 05.21.12
Web Site | Email Organization | Telephone No.
Countries/States Served: TG, TG, TG
People Utilized or Employed: Trainable Volunteers, Trainable Volunteers, Trainable Volunteers, Trainable Volunteers
Types of Students Allowed:
Medical Students, Premedical Students, Dental Students, Nursing Students, Pharmacy Students, Veterinary Students, Optometry Students
Program Length: Long Term (Greater than 1 month)
Language Skills: English, French
Religious Affiliations:
University Affiliations:
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Mission Statement: (See Web Site For Updated Information)
Dear Aron,

thank you for the link.

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Best regards


The Organization:
ZENITH AFRIQUE is a Togolese non profit organization that aims to
promote socio-economic and cultural development. The organization is based
in AMOUZOU KONDJI, which is located about 80km north of Togos
capital Lomé.

From there ZENITH AFRIQUE organizes a number of different projects
in which volunteers can get involved. There is also the possibility to
suggest an own project.

Our Projects:
- awareness raising campaigns and conferences on HIV-AIDS, malaria
and cancer
- awareness raising campaigns on child trafficking
- teaching at local primary and secondary schools
- assisting disadvantaged children
- education sessions with children on health, hygiene and the
- different events, such as competitions (i.e. poetry, recitation,
reading and singing)
- youth work/ playful animation/workshops
- ecotourism

The projects aim not only to raise awareness on different
important issues, but also to enliven the socio-cultural life of the local
population. Volunteers will have the opportunity to integrate in the community
and participate in intercultural exchange.

Your stay with us
Zenith Afrique will organize trips and events that will allow volunteers to visit
different areas in Togo and learn about traditional food, dance and music.
Accommodation and duration of the stay depend on the project as well as on
the preference of the volunteer. In general, volunteers stay in a house that is provided
by Zenith Afrique, but there is also the possibility to arrange accommodation with
a host family. Please contact us in order to inquire about specific projects and
a preference for the duration of your stay.

Who can participate?
Everyone with a high level of motivation and an open mind who is
interested in at least one of the described projects above. A basic level of
French is desirable, but not a requirement.

How to apply:
Send us a CV and a letter of motivation explaining your interest
in the region and specifying the desired date of participation as well as
your specific area of interest. You may also submit your application in

The participation fee for each month of the stay is 170 €. This includes
accommodation and food. Additionally 145 € will be charged as a contribution
for the project once for the duration of the entire stay.
(A participation at a project for three months, for example, will thus amount to 655 €.)

You are welcome to contact us if you have any questions.

e-mail: zenithafrique@gmail.com [1]

Tel: (00228) 98848602/91286247
MATDCL: N ° 0444 05/05/11
With ZENITH AFRIQUE your action can bring a smile

Our Volunteers In Action!
Trips and Activities
No trips found for ZENITH AFRIQUE.