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Wildlife-Forest Conservation
P.O. Box 19675
Nairobi – Kenya., GPO 00100,KE

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inquiry to this organization

Last Updated: 04.14.13
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Countries/States Served:
People Utilized or Employed: Nursing, Public Health, Veterinary
Types of Students Allowed:
Medical Students, Premedical Students, Predental Students, Nursing Students, Prepharmacy Students, Veterinary Students
Program Length: Short Term (Less than 1 month)
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Mission Statement: (See Web Site For Updated Information)
Project Profile:
The project is about protecting the Mau forest ecosystem, including its rich fauna and flora. This 3-week workcamp program will bring together young men and women from different professional cultural backgrounds, with a mission to improve the living standards of the local people, while addressing such important issue as deforestation.

During 21 days, the volunteers will work hand in hand with the community, to protect the Mau forest ecosystem which represents the main water tower in Kenya and serves major lakes – e.g.: Lake Nakuru, Lake Naivasha – and some of the rivers such as Ewaso Ng’iro and Mara rivers. They will also combat the challenges of deforestation and degradation of the major rainforests, the loss of biodiversity in indigenous territories and the lack of opportunities for the rural populations which, in the end, creates a negative feedback cycle in the ecosystem.

This is a give and take scenario, where volunteers do work with the community, not for the community to ensure the sustainability of the project, in a long term perspective. Volunteers will enjoy the diversity that this project offers, such as the protection of the wildlife, rivers and also bring their professional background to ensure the improvement of the living standards of the local community.
What to expect

Project aim
-Making a difference on climate change
-Better water for wildlife, lakes and the people
-Addressing such important issue as deforestation
-To stop human nature/wildlife conflict

Camp activities
- Planting more than 30,000 trees within 21 days
- Identifying the number of wildlife in the forest
-Identifying indigenous trees within the forest
- Building a nursery bed
-Finding and building data on fauna and flora, mostly wildlife
-Protecting the wildlife in Mau Forest
-North/south intercultural exchange

Things to see
-Lake Nakuru National park(30kms)
-Biking in hell’s gate National park (40kms)
-Mt longonot for hiking (30kms)
-Maasai Mara National Reserve (230km)
-In the heath of African culture very humball people

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