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Visiting Nurse Association of El Paso
2211 E. Missouri Ste. S-200
El Paso,TX,79903,United States

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inquiry to this organization

Last Updated: 05.05.06
Web Site | Email Organization | Telephone No.
Countries/States Served: TX
People Utilized or Employed: Trainable Volunteers, Geriatric Medicine, Nursing, Public Health, Social Work
Types of Students Allowed:
Medical Students, Nursing Students
Program Length: Short Term (Less than 1 month) and Long Term (Greater than 1 month)
Language Skills:
Religious Affiliations:
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Current Volunteer Opportunities (Unpaid Positions)
Hospice Volunteer needed for More than 1 year
Opportunity Description: Friendly Visitors to support our patients and families during the end of lifes journey. Volunteers help to remind patients that they are not forgotten during a long illness. Give family members a much needed "Break" by sitting with a patient while they go to the store or attend a scheduled appointment.
Total Number of Volunteers Needed: 10
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Marketing and Development needed for 6 to 12 months
Opportunity Description: Assist the Director of Development with educating the community about VNA. Learn how to write grants, sharpen your communication skills while helping to raise much needed revenue to provide healthcare services to individuals regardless of their ability to pay.
Total Number of Volunteers Needed: 4
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Mission Statement: (See Web Site For Updated Information)
Visiting Nurse Association of El Paso (VNA) is the only not for profit homehalth and hospice provider in El Paso County. VNA strives to provide quality care to individuals in the comfort of their home regardless of their ability to pay.

With the help of volunteers VNA supports families, patients and assists office staff with providing exceptional support during a long term illness or at the end of lifes journey.

Volunteers may assist by visiting homebound patients, making phone calls, running errands, helping in the office, fundraising or sharing their special talent. You name your talent and we will find a place for you on our team.

Trips and Activities
No trips found for Visiting Nurse Association of El Paso.