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Tucson Medical Center
5301 East Grant Road
Tucson,AZ,85712-2874,United States

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Last Updated: 08.22.06
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Countries/States Served: AZ
People Utilized or Employed: Trainable Volunteers
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Mission Statement: (See Web Site For Updated Information)
Last year TMC Auxilians contributed over 82,000 hours of service to TMC, bringing the total number of hours contributed close to 2 million since 1949. TMCs Auxiliary currently has over 900 members with some 500 active volunteers serving in 25 areas within the hospital.

We are committed to complement and supplement goals and objectives of other programs and departments by providing compassionate, well-trained, and resourceful individuals.

Our ultimate goal is to meet the needs of patients and their families, as well as the needs of the medical center community by delivering quality service that reflects Tucson Medical Centers standard of care.

The Auxiliary is an integral part of the hospital team. Formally organized in 1949, the auxiliary helps hospital personnel by providing a wide range of supplemental services and assists TMC in the purchase of equipment and the support of scholarship and endowment funds. Promoting good will and mutual understanding between TMC and the community is also one of the Auxiliarys major goals.

Trips and Activities
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