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Swedish Medical Center
501 East Hampden Avenue
Englewood,CO,80113,United States

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Last Updated: 11.12.06
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Countries/States Served: CO
People Utilized or Employed: Trainable Volunteers
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Mission Statement: (See Web Site For Updated Information)
Swedish Medical Center-HealthONE, a Level I Trauma Center, serves as the regions referral center for neurotrauma and is a recognized leader in the treatment of stroke. Swedishs Centers of Excellence include: Adult and Pediatric Trauma Services, Neurosciences, Advanced Radiology Capabilities, Cancer Treatment Services, Cardiology Services and Womens Childrens Services. An acute care hospital with 368 licensed beds, Swedish is located in the south Denver metro area in Englewood, CO., where it has been a proud member of the community for nearly 100 years.

Volunteers are a vital part of the Swedish Family, providing additional support and care to our patients and families. There are 30 different areas in the hospital where volunteers offer their services from the Information Desk and the Gift Gallery to serving as hosts and hostesses on the patient care floors and in the surgery waiting area.

Volunteers add an extra touch to a patients hospital stay, communication and supporting the needs of the family. Both the adult and junior programs have an orientation that serves as a foundation on which to build the required skills for becoming a volunteer.

The Adult Volunteer Program
The adult volunteer program runs year round with a commitment of at least four hours per week. The junior volunteer program is also 12 months of the year, with an emphasis on the summer program, and offers an introduction to careers in the medical field.
Map To Our Volunteering Location
1542 Tremont Street, Roxbury, MA
Trips and Activities
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