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Salinas Valley Memorial Healthcare System
450 East Romie Lane
Salinas,CA,93901-4098,United States

I would like to make a volunteering
inquiry to this organization

Last Updated: 09.24.06
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Countries/States Served: CA
People Utilized or Employed: Trainable Volunteers
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Mission Statement: (See Web Site For Updated Information)
We have a diverse group of volunteers representative of our community, all having one thing in common, a BIG heart.

People like you have been volunteering since 1952 when the Service League Volunteer organization was founded. As the program grew, a department of Volunteer Services was developed in 1957. We provide support services for the Service League programs and activities, which include Patient Services, LIFELINE, Telecare, Hospital Tours, Childrens Interactive Medical History Museum Tours, Student Volunteer Career Pathway Program, Pet Therapy, Patient Ambassadors, Medical Adventure Camp, Summer Health Institute, Cheer Cards, and Gift Shop operations.

In addition, we support the efforts of many other hospital volunteer groups such as Spiritual Care Volunteer Visitors program, the Regional Occupational Program Job Shadowing Program, and Student Volunteer and Intern programs. Volunteers enable us to provide many services to our patients and the community.

There is a place for anyone who wishes to give their time toward our volunteer services, projects or programs.
Map To Our Volunteering Location
1542 Tremont Street, Roxbury, MA
Trips and Activities
No trips found for Salinas Valley Memorial Healthcare System.