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Saint Jude Medical Center
101 East Valencia Mesa Drive
Fullerton,CA,92835-3809,United States

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Last Updated: 09.24.06
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Countries/States Served: CA
People Utilized or Employed: Trainable Volunteers
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Mission Statement: (See Web Site For Updated Information)
Volunteers are a vital part of St. Jude Medical Center. That?s why St. Jude offers opportunities for service that accommodate the schedules of working adults, students and retirees. Some of our volunteers work directly with patients, while others provide invaluable assistance in support areas or with special projects.

You?ll meet our volunteers helping out in a variety of places, including one of the hospital departments, the Knott Family Endoscopy Center, and It?s New To You SM, St. Jude?s thrift shop.

Three separate groups support the hospital?s commitment to superior and compassionate medical care:

Student Volunteers (high school and college students) provide support to patients, visitors and staff, from the nursing units to the information desks.
Guild Members provide support to patients, visitors and staff, from the nursing units to the information desks, as well as support the St. Jude Gift Shop. (This is a membership group requiring annual dues.)
Resource Volunteers?adults who work or have limited time?give service through our Spiritual Care Department serving as Eucharistic Ministers, as well as helping with special projects, events, and other volunteer opportunities as available.
Map To Our Volunteering Location
1542 Tremont Street, Roxbury, MA
Trips and Activities
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