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Saint Josephs Medical Center
1800 North California Street
Stockton,CA,95204-6019,United States

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Last Updated: 09.24.06
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Countries/States Served: CA
People Utilized or Employed: Trainable Volunteers
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Mission Statement: (See Web Site For Updated Information)
Serving from the heart, volunteering is a labor of love, uncomplicated by salaries and budgets. Whether delivering
flowers, assisting visitors or transporting patients, the task is but a symbol of their compassion; serving for the greater purpose.

Volunteers are an integral part of the staff at St. Josephs Medical Center. Hospital volunteers are teens, baby boomers, and retired adults. They enrich their own lives as well as the lives of patients and families by providing a variety of services ranging from A to Z. The purpose of all services is to extend extra, non-clinical care and concern to all people who enter our doors.

Many volunteers serve as little as one 3 to 4 hour shift twice a month; others serve more often. Volunteer assignments depend on areas of interest and availability. Here are some of our volunteer opportunities.

St. Josephs Auxiliary
The Auxiliary was formed in 1957 and is a membership organization devoted to providing service to patients and families, and to raising funds for St. Josephs Medical Center. Services include: Baby Photo, Coffee Service, Escort and Main Information Desk, Surgery Information Desk, Gift Shop, Newspaper Delivery, X-ray Transportation, Sewing Service, Flower Delivery, and more.

Most shifts for the above services are daytime, Monday through Friday. Some evening and weekend shifts are available, primarily in our Gift Shop or on our Main Information Desk.

Departmental Volunteers
Departmental volunteers serve in a variety of hospital departments including our Cancer Center, Behavioral Health Center, Spiritual Services, Skilled Nursing Facility, Emergency, and some inpatient care areas. General office (clerical support) volunteer opportunities are also available in a variety of areas.

Student Volunteers
Limited volunteer opportunities are available for high school and college students (applicants must be over 14 years of age). Most teens serve in either our Gift Shop or at the main Information Desk. If the applicant is interested in health care as a career, we attempt to match the student to their area of interest (sometimes this is not possible). Student volunteers are scheduled to serve at least once a week and must commit to a minimum of six months of service.

Volunteers for Senior Services
Volunteers with our Interfaith Caregiver Program provide a variety of services for seniors such as shopping, running errands, transportation and escort to appointments, respite care, or yard work and minor house repairs. Sometimes seniors needs are as simple as telephone reassurance or just friendly visiting.

St. Josephs Volunteers Make a World of Difference
Whatever your area of interest might be, we are sure you will find volunteering at St. Josephs to be a rewarding experience. All new volunteers are required to complete orientation, training, health and criminal background screenings.

Trips and Activities
No trips found for Saint Josephs Medical Center.