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Rock Recovery


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Last Updated: 04.27.16
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Countries/States Served: US, VA, MD, DC
People Utilized or Employed: Psychology, Psychiatry, Public Health, Social Work, Trainable Volunteers
Types of Students Allowed:
Program Length: Long Term (Greater than 1 month)
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Religious Affiliations: Christian
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Mission Statement: (See Web Site For Updated Information)
Rock Recovery is a faith-based nonprofit headquartered in the D.C. metro area that works to support the journey to freedom from disordered eating. We directly serve individuals struggling with food, eating, exercise, and body image issues. In sum, our mission is to support the journey to freedom from disordered eating. We operate under the values of be real, find freedom, and live life. We do this with an almost entirely volunteer workforce whose dedication and service make our mission possible. We currently offer individual recovery and community empowerment programs.

Our individual recovery program brings a robust recovery program to adults in the DC area. Our goal is to bridge treatment gaps and make treatment accessible in terms of timing, location, and cost.

Our community empowerment programs educate groups on the realities of eating disorders and disordered eating, and enhances the ability of our families, friends, and colleagues to provide constructive support to those suffering.

For more information on our organization or to support our cause, our website at www.rockrecoveryed.org

How to Apply: Please go to our website to complete our Volunteer Application, then submit your resume and three references to volunteer@rockrecoveryed.org.
Trips and Activities
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