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Riverside County Regional Medical Center
26520 Cactus Avenue
Moreno Valley,CA,92555-3911,United States

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Last Updated: 09.25.06
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Countries/States Served: CA
People Utilized or Employed: Trainable Volunteers
Types of Students Allowed:
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Mission Statement: (See Web Site For Updated Information)
The Volunteers at RCRMC are a vital part of the healthcare team, adding a special touch that is important to the healing process. RCRMC Volunteers provide a wide range of services from working with patients, hospital staff and the public in both patient and non-patient areas. The extra services provided by the Volunteers contribute to the comfort, care and well-being of both patients and guests.

The Volunteer Program is open to anyone from adults to teens, in a variety of areas. Each volunteer selected is oriented and trained in an area that is most appropriate for that individual; unique talents and desires are taken into consideration when making assignments. Through dedication and service, volunteers enrich the lives of patients, staff and guests. Their services also touch those outside the hospital by participating in health fairs and community events.

There are many opportunities for volunteers to contribute to the quality of care at RCRMC. Most volunteers have a regular schedule, although some are available ?on call? or for special short-term projects.

Volunteers serve in nearly every area of the hospital, including but not limited to:

Central Processing
Clerical Support
Courier/Escort Services
Diagnostic Imaging
Emergency Room
Environmental Services
Food Nutrition Services
Gift Shop
Information Desk
Information Services
Materials Management
Medical Records
Patient Care Units
Rehabilitative Services (P.T.)

RCRMC currently has approximately 450-500 volunteers in the following groups:
130 Auxiliary
130 Juniors
240 Adults College Students Plus
200-250 Community, special short-term projects and ?on call? volunteers
Student Volunteer Program
The Student Volunteer program offers young people the opportunity to work in a variety of areas, which is especially interesting for those that may have a future in a health care career. High School students 14 years or older, are welcomed in this program.
Map To Our Volunteering Location
1542 Tremont Street, Roxbury, MA
Trips and Activities
No trips found for Riverside County Regional Medical Center.