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Odyssey HealthCare
415 W Golf Road 206
Arlington Heights,IL,60005,United States

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inquiry to this organization

Last Updated: 01.03.08
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Countries/States Served: IL
People Utilized or Employed: Trainable Volunteers
Types of Students Allowed:
Medical Students, Premedical Students, Dental Students, Predental Students, Nursing Students, Prenursing Students, Pharmacy Students, Veterinary Students, Preveterinary Students, Optometry Students, Preoptometry Students
Program Length: Long Term (Greater than 1 month)
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Current Volunteer Opportunities (Unpaid Positions)
Patient Visit Volunteer with Odyssey HealthCare needed for 6 to 12 months
Opportunity Description: •Patient Visit Volunteer: Visiting our patients to provide companionship and support through conversation, leisure activities or by being a supportive presence. Also may provide the opportunity for respite, so the caregiver can take some time away to take care of him or herself.
Total Number of Volunteers Needed: 15
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Special Project Volunteer with Odyssey HealthCare needed for 6 to 12 months
Opportunity Description: •Special Project Volunteer: Complete special projects at our office, or in the comfort of your home/office. Projects may include: baking cookies, preparing packets or completing craft projects, just to name a few. This is a great option for Companies who want to get employees involved in the community or students who want to work as a group!
Total Number of Volunteers Needed: 15
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Administrative Volunteer with Odyssey HealthCare needed for 6 to 12 months
Opportunity Description: •Administrative Volunteer: Provide office support through clerical duties, such as data entry, filing, or phone calling.
Total Number of Volunteers Needed: 5
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Profesional Volunteer with Odyssey HealthCare needed for 6 to 12 months
Opportunity Description: •Professional Volunteer: Use your education and/or area of expertise to aide our program. Assignments may include: marketing, legal projects, massage therapy, music therapy, pet therapy etc.
Total Number of Volunteers Needed: 15
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Mission Statement: (See Web Site For Updated Information)
Mission Statement:
To Serve All People During the End of Lifes Journey

Odyssey HealthCare

Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteers with Odyssey HealthCare, will be part of a team who recognize that psychological, spiritual, social services, as well as medical/clinical care, can contribute to an improved quality of life for patients near the end of life.

No matter what your talents, age, or interest, every volunteer contributes in a different way to compliment our service.

Minimum commitment of 2x a month; we work with your schedule

•Patient Visit Volunteer: Visiting our patients to provide companionship and support through conversation, leisure activities or by being a supportive presence. Also may provide the opportunity for respite, so the caregiver can take some time away to take care of him or herself.

•Special Project Volunteer: Complete special projects at our office, or in the comfort of your home/office. Projects may include: baking cookies, preparing packets or completing craft projects, just to name a few. This is a great option for Companies who want to get employees involved in the community or students who want to work as a group

•Bereavement Volunteer: Provide bereavement support in a variety of ways, such as phone calls, emails, funeral visits or visiting the family.

•Administrative Volunteer: Provide office support through clerical duties, such as data entry, filing, or phone calling.

•Professional Volunteer: Use your education and/or area of expertise to aide our program. Assignments may include: marketing, legal projects, massage therapy, music therapy, pet therapy etc.

Become a Volunteer Today

Call Emily at 1-847-718-0517
or email: eschwadron@odsyhealth.com
Trips and Activities
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