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NAVTI Foundation


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Last Updated: 03.27.09
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Countries/States Served:
People Utilized or Employed: Trainable Volunteers
Types of Students Allowed:
Medical Students, Premedical Students, Dental Students, Nursing Students, Prenursing Students, Pharmacy Students, Veterinary Students, Preveterinary Students
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Current Volunteer Opportunities (Unpaid Positions)
Free volunteer placements in Africa needed for 1 to 3 months
Opportunity Description: The NAVTI Foundation needs volunteers in all fields of work...We will be very happy to have you contribute to our strive towards the development of the rural population of Cameroon. No matter your age, sex or level of education (experience), someone in Africa needs your help. What job can I do while in Cameroon: This depends entirely on you. We can use teachers, farmers, managers, social workers, health educators, administrators, laborers, computer students etc. If we think that your field of interest is not applicable to what our organisation does, we can link you with schools and organisations in your field. Within Cameroon there are people who need help and can benefit from your expertise in any area from teaching to nursing to administration. Let us know your interest or skills and we can discuss what is the best option for you. Meet experienced staff in the field that will give you the volunteer a 24 hrs in-country support every day all through the volunteer program. We are a non-profit making NGO and do not charge our volunteers any fees. All we require is for our volunteers to pay for their travel to Cameroon. Accommodation and feeding will be provided for free. Please contact us via email for details.
Total Number of Volunteers Needed: 15
Find Out More
Mission Statement: (See Web Site For Updated Information)
The NAVTI Foundation needs volunteers in all fields of work...We will be very happy to have you contribute to our strive towards the development of the rural population of Cameroon. No matter your age, sex or level of education (experience), someone in Africa needs your help. What job can I do while in Cameroon: This depends entirely on you. We can use; Nurses, Health teachers, social workers, health educators, HIV/AIDS workers etc. If we think that your field of interest is not applicable to what our organisation does, we can link you with schools and organisations in your field. Within Cameroon there are people who need help and can benefit from your expertise in any area from teaching to nursing to administration. Let us know your interest or skills and we can discuss what is the best option for you. Meet experienced staff in the field that will give you the volunteer a 24 hrs in-country support every day all through the volunteer program. We are a non-profit making NGO and do not charge our volunteers any fees. All we require is for our volunteers to pay for their travel to Cameroon. Accommodation and feeding will be provided for free.

Please contact us via email for details.

Our Volunteers In Action!
Trips and Activities
No trips found for NAVTI Foundation.