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Mills Health Center
100 S. San Mateo Drive
San Mateo,CA,94401,United States

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Last Updated: 10.01.06
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Countries/States Served: CA
People Utilized or Employed: Trainable Volunteers
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Mission Statement: (See Web Site For Updated Information)
Mills-Peninsula Health Services, a not-for-profit corporation with approximately 2,500 employees, operates two community health facilities with a total of 403 inpatient beds. The Medical Center (Peninsula Medical Center) in Burlingame is an acute-care facility. The Health Center (Mills Health Center) in San Mateo provides a wide range of outpatient services, including surgery, rehabilitation and diagnostics.

Membership in the Mills-Peninsula Auxiliary is open to anyone age 14 and older, with a special program for high school students. No special skills are required. If you have a special area of interest, we?ll work with you to create a meaningful assignment. Your commitment is up to you, although we ask for at least four hours per week. A convenient schedule can be arranged to fit your needs and lifestyle. Our greatest time of need is weekdays. However, evening and weekend volunteer assignments are available for some positions.

Ways to serve
-Greet, direct and provide information to patients, families and visitors
-Support nursing and administrative staff as needed, such as clerical and administrative support
-Supply treatment rooms
-Keep waiting families informed
-Transport patients (e.g., provide pick-up/delivery services)
-Assist patients during discharge
-Visit patients, inquire about needs, concerns
-Act as cashier, perform store room work
Map To Our Volunteering Location
1542 Tremont Street, Roxbury, MA
Trips and Activities
No trips found for Mills Health Center.