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Miller Childrens Hospital
2801 Atlantic Avenue
Long Beach,CA,90806,United States

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Last Updated: 11.10.06
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Countries/States Served: CA
People Utilized or Employed: Trainable Volunteers
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Mission Statement: (See Web Site For Updated Information)
Miller Children?s Hospital is a not?for?profit children?s hospital located on the campus of Long Beach Memorial Medical Center. The 281?bed hospital cares for children of all ages, from newborns to young adults, as well as expectant mothers.

The Hospital Grandparent Program brings together caring adults and hospitalized children whose parents or family are unable or unwilling to provide love and support to their child during one of childhoods most traumatic experiences. Grandparents can be anyone from age 18 to 88 who is willing to devote at least six hours per week to caring for a hospitalized child. The goal is to ond the grandparent with the child so the grandparent can become a surrogate parent. There are no predetermined schedules. The grandparents can schedule their visiting times to meet their individual needs. To apply for the Hospital Grandparent Program, call the Volunteer Services Department at (562) 933-1486 and ask about Hospital Grandparents.

At Miller Childrens Hospital and Long Beach Memorial, our enthusiastic and dedicated volunteers log over 300,000 hours annually They are a vital part of our healthcare team helping us to achieve our mission. Enthusiastic community members agree that Memorial offers many opportunities to learn while serving. Once you make the commitment you will find the benefits are many and rewarding. As a Memorial Volunteer you are provided an opportunity to learn a new skill, make new friends, develop new interests and experience the rewards and satisfactions that come from helping people. Our volunteers range in age from 15 years old to our oldest volunteer who is_ well, a bit older than 13 Placement opportunities are available from greeting patients and visitors in the main lobby and at information desks to working along side our nursing and medical staff to provide comfort and non medical support to patients. We have morning, afternoon and evening shifts, 7 days a week. We also provide you with an orientation, appropriate training and health screening. If you are willing to make a commitment of at least 3 hours per week for a 6-12 month period, we probably have a place for you

We invite you to join our team of V.I.P.s - Volunteers In Partnership with Miller Childrens Hospital and Long Beach Memorial Medical Center, wed love to have you
Map To Our Volunteering Location
1542 Tremont Street, Roxbury, MA
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