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Mapleton Center Boulder Center for Sports Medicine
311 Mapleton Ave.
Boulder,CO,80304,United States

I would like to make a volunteering
inquiry to this organization

Last Updated: 08.24.06
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Countries/States Served: CO
People Utilized or Employed: Trainable Volunteers
Types of Students Allowed:
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Reviews of Mapleton Center Boulder Center for Sports Medicine volunteer programs:
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Mission Statement: (See Web Site For Updated Information)
Volunteers assist hospital staff in some 60 different areas. Choose to work with patients, or decide that working with staff in non-patient activities is best for you.

Here is a sampling of positions open to volunteers:
Help patients and their families
Deliver meal trays
Work in the infant hearing assessment program
Assist physical therapy patients
Deliver messages, flowers and mail
Help staff on medical/surgical units
Give children?s tours
Do office or computer work
Work in the gift shops

The days and time you volunteer are flexible. Openings are available weekdays, evenings and weekends. Typically we ask that you volunteer once a week for a minimum of three months; however other options are possible.
Map To Our Volunteering Location
1542 Tremont Street, Roxbury, MA
Trips and Activities
No trips found for Mapleton Center Boulder Center for Sports Medicine.