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Magis Voluntas

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inquiry to this organization

Last Updated: 05.03.06
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Countries/States Served: Peru
People Utilized or Employed: Emergency Medicine, Surgery-General, Trauma Surgery, Anesthesiology, Cardiology, Nursing, Urology, Hematology and Oncology, Infectious Disease, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Occupational Medicine, Ophthalmology, Dietitian, Dentistry, Chiropractor, Internal Medicine, Nephrology, Physical Therapy, Pharmacy, Pediatric Cardiology, Pediatric Dentistry, Pathology, Endocrinology, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Critical Care Medicine, Rheumatology, Geriatric Medicine, Otolaryngology, Pediatrics, Thoracic Surgery
Types of Students Allowed:
Medical Students, Premedical Students, Dental Students, Predental Students, Nursing Students, Prenursing Students, Pharmacy Students, Optometry Students, Preoptometry Students
Program Length: Short Term (Less than 1 month) and Long Term (Greater than 1 month)
Language Skills:
Religious Affiliations: Catholic
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Mission Statement: (See Web Site For Updated Information)
Magis Voluntas is an International Volunteer Porgram to help in Development and Ecology in the Alto Mayo Rainforest Mountains located in the northeastern tropical jungle of Peru (South America).
Magis Voluntass Solidary Physicians International Program are recruiting students and professionals in medicine specialties to become volunteers in health care and emergency medical services in Alto Mayo, Peru.
Full-board per day fee is 10 euros. Friendly homestays are available in Rioja, Moyobamba and Nueva Cajamarca.
We also need money to purchase medicines and health equipment.
Program time: June to September 2006, June to September 2007, June to September 2008 :)
Trips and Activities
No trips found for Magis Voluntas.