A 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization
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Inner City Health Center
3800 York Street

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inquiry to this organization

Last Updated: 11.13.09
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Countries/States Served: CO
People Utilized or Employed: Trainable Volunteers
Types of Students Allowed:
Medical Students, Premedical Students, Dental Students, Predental Students, Nursing Students, Prenursing Students
Program Length: Long Term (Greater than 1 month)
Language Skills: English, Spanish, Portuguese
Religious Affiliations: Christian
University Affiliations:
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Current Volunteer Opportunities (Unpaid Positions)
Dentists needed for 6 to 12 months
Opportunity Description: Provide dental services at one of our two facilities. Flexible time commitment based on your schedule (½ day to 1 day bi-onthly/monthly/quarterly) Active malpractice insurance neede, Active Colorado license needed, can volunteer from your office!
Total Number of Volunteers Needed: 5
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Primary Care Physicians and Pediatricians needed for 6 to 12 months
Opportunity Description: Provide medical services 6 month commitment (½ day per week or bi-monthly) Active malpractice insurance needed, Spanish speaking helpful Active Colorado license needed, Specialists can volunteer from your office!
Total Number of Volunteers Needed: 5
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Cavity Free at Three Educator needed for 6 to 12 months
Opportunity Description: Bilingual Dental or Medical trained personnel (Dental Hygienist, Dental Assistant, Dentist, Pediatric Nurse) to educate prenatal patients, children and families about the importance of oral hygiene and preventative oral care using materials provided by Cavity Free at Three.
Total Number of Volunteers Needed: 3
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Mission Statement: (See Web Site For Updated Information)
Inner City Health Center is a private, non-profit, volunteer supported health care facility committed to improve the health of low-income and medically uninsured families. Our primary motivation is to express our love for Jesus Christ, our love for people, and our deep concern for their physical, emotional, and spiritual well being.
Trips and Activities
No trips found for Inner City Health Center.