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Hoag Hospital
PO Box 6100
Newport Beach,CA,92658-6100,United States

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Last Updated: 02.15.06
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Countries/States Served: CA
People Utilized or Employed: Nursing, Social Work
Types of Students Allowed:
Premedical Students, Predental Students, Prenursing Students, Prepharmacy Students, Preveterinary Students, Preoptometry Students
Program Length: Long Term (Greater than 1 month)
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Mission Statement: (See Web Site For Updated Information)
Hoag Hospital Auxiliary, a non-profit charity based organization, was formed in 1952 to provide caring service and fund raising in support of Hoag Hospital. Auxiliary members, both men and women alike, volunteer thousands of hours each month, providing important and needed hospital services for our patients, patient?s families and friends, visitors, and staff. Clinical Care Extender Program-COPE (patient care) 350 caring volunteers College or university students majoring in healthcare field The Clinical Care Extender Program is partnering with COPE, local colleges and universities, Hoag Hospital's Patient Care Services and Volunteer Services Volunteers provide basic patient care assistance, such as transport, positioning, bathing, and feeding of patients Currently on nursing units, in OR, ECU & James Irvine Surgicenter For more information on the Clinical Care Extender Program - COPE, visit www.copepartners.org Pet Therapy 35 caring volunteers Pet Therapy Program is partnering with Pet Therapy International, Rehab Services, Patient Care Services, and Volunteer Services Volunteers and certified therapy dogs visit patients, visitors and staff on the units and in waiting areas You and your dog must be certified before beginning the program Auxiliary areas to volunteer Auxiliary Office Baby Photo's (Nightengale's) Blood Bank Book Cart Breast Imaging Cancer Center Cancer Center - Radiation Oncology Cancer Center - Tumor Registry Cancer Center - Cell Biology Cancer Center - Day Hospital Cancer Center - Oncology Floor Cancer Center - Library Cardiac Care Unit (CCU)/Sub-ICU Child Care Clerical Coffee Cart Community Services Computer Marketing and Corporate Communications Diabetes Education Docent (Tours) Emergency Care Unit Enterstomal Therapy Flower Cart Foundation Gift Box Gift Cart Heart Institute Hoag Happenings Newsletter Human Resources Hunter's (Auctions) Information - Greeter Desk by Tower Elevators Intensive Care Unit (ICU) Knit 'N Sew Mail Delivery Medical Library Medical Records Nursing Units OB Services (LDR and Maternity) Out-patient Registration Pastoral Care Office Patient Visitation (Pastoral Care) Rehab Services Stamp Machine Surgery Centers Surgery Waiting Transport/Errand Services
Trips and Activities
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