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Foundation for Sustainable Development
1000 Brannan
San Francisco,CA,94103,US

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Last Updated: 07.12.13
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Countries/States Served: CA, US
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Mission Statement: (See Web Site For Updated Information)

Foundation for Sustainable Development (FSD) has been described as the “gold standard for global engagement programs.” With our program sites in 6 countries and 10 cities in Africa, Asia, and Latin America, FSD supports more than 300 community partner organizations and has trained more than 3,000 volunteers to support their work. For more than 18 years, FSDs community development efforts have maintained an ongoing project sustainability rate of 80 percent, addressing health, social, evironmental, and economic issues by responding to community priorities and offering training, grants, and volunteer support to our community partners.

In 2012, we supported 242 projects and invested more than 840,000 in our partner communities. As a result, our work directly improved the lives of 142,000 people around the world. From a womens beekeeping business in Kenya to nutritional education for mothers in Nicaragua and cook stove projects in India, FSD listens to community priorities and supports local leaders to achieve their vision for a better future.

FSD enhances the capacity of community organizations around the world to address local health, social, environmental, and economic issues. We also educate international communities on effective approaches for sustainable community development. To learn more: fsdinternational.org/about/mission
Trips and Activities
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