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Foot 2 Afrika Adventurers


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Last Updated: 12.26.08
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Countries/States Served:
People Utilized or Employed: Trainable Volunteers
Types of Students Allowed:
Medical Students, Premedical Students, Dental Students, Predental Students, Nursing Students, Prenursing Students
Program Length: Short Term (Less than 1 month) and Long Term (Greater than 1 month)
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Current Volunteer Opportunities (Unpaid Positions)
MEDICAL STUDENT needed for 1 to 3 months
Opportunity Description: Physicians, nurses, dentists and physiotherapists can serve part-time at urban and rural clinics performing examinations and well-baby checkups. Health care students and other practitioners can offer public health education classes and basic instruction to rural health care workers. Among the positions available are: Training of doctors to perform tubal ligations. Also work in a region hospitalSkills Required: Trained doctor Conduct a workshop for physicians and clinicians on cardiovascular disease, hypertension and diabetes. Also work in a regional hospital is an available option. Skills Required: Interns, Family practitioners, nurse practitioners, physician assistants Training nurses about different family planning methods Skills Required: Physicians, nurses, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, family planning counselors Train physical therapy aids and work with children with physical disabilities at a special school for these children. Skills Required: Physical therapist to train aids or work independantly, medical student to work along side of a physical therapist.
Total Number of Volunteers Needed: 8
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Teaching needed for 1 to 3 months
Opportunity Description: There are ample opportunities to teach English in schools. It is required by Tanzanian law that all secondary education be taught in English which means that students need to develop those skills early in order to be successful. In remote areas in particular, this is a big problem. Most likely, they have first learned their tribal language as a first language and Swahili as a second language so English is often their third language. The opportunity to be exposed to English speakers is also quite small in these areas. Often the teachers will need practice conversing with native English speakers. Opportunities extend all the way down to nursery and primary schools where learning English first begins and continues with adults needing to learn English for better business opportunities especially to venders, mountain porters etc. Skills/ Qualifications: The ability to speak fluent English. Patience and good communication skills. The ability to develop effective lesson plans. Responsibilities: Prepare lesson plans and execute lessons, keeping class participation high and enjoyable. You may be working along side a Tanzanian teacher or on your own. Do not count on many teaching resources being available and many classes may have large numbers but it is a challenge that is highly rewarding. Students learn British English so if you are American, you may need to learn some differences between American and British spellings, grammer and phrases. It is useful for the students to be exposed to both but testing will be on the British version. Teaching computer and IT is a rapidly growing field in Tanzania. The vast majority of students do not have access to computers. Currently only 3 public secondary schools offer computer courses. The ability to run a business that can compete internationally without computer skills is a difficult battle to win. Without the computer background, the possiblity of ever studying outside of Africa is virtually non existant no matter how intelligent the student is. Unfortunately, most school teachers are in a similar position of not having any computer experience. Also of extreme value is the ability to repair computer equipment. Most computers found are old donated ones. The floppy disc still lives in Tanzania. You can help in a huge way through this project. Skills/ Qualifications: Fluent English or Swahili. An ability to explain clearly and simply computer basics. Knowledge of some older operating systems. You cannot assume any computer experience and may need to start with typing basics such as how to capitalize letters, etc. Responsibilities: To create lesson plans and to execute them. The interest level will be quite high as the desire for this knowledge is huge. A class may have a wide range of computer experience so flexibility and creativity is vital.
Total Number of Volunteers Needed: 12
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Work at Orphanages needed for 1 to 3 months
Opportunity Description: A country affected by extreme poverty, HIV/AIDS and lack of opportunities, orphan children of Tanzania need immediate help and support. Your participation in an orphanage project is not only appreciated by kids but also by orphanage administration. A good portion of participation fee directly goes to the orphanages which help them to run program smoothly. Orphanage work is a great project to share your love, passion, and help as it goes to people who need it the most. Foot2Afrika has a big link with 3 orphanage home which are located in Moshi at the gateway of world renown giant Mountain Kilimanjaro. Skills / Qualifications: There are no specific qualifications needed to join the orphanage volunteer project in Moshi. However, volunteers are expected to be flexible and patient. You should have passion and love for children and believe you can act as a healthy role model. Volunteers’ Responsibilities: As a volunteer in the orphanage project in Moshi, you will teach English in the orphanage or school (when the kids go to schools during the day). You will help kids to stay clean by helping them in brushing teeth, shower, and personal hygiene. In free time, mostly in evening, you organize games, drawing, singing, dancing, and other creative education and extra curricular activities. In the evening time, you will help kids to do homework, monitor academic progress, and make sure kids complete their next day's homework. If you do not want to teach in the school during day time, then you can offer to take care of the children who stay at the orphanage (who can not go to school). Your help is also expected in dressing of kids, food distribution, kitchen, garden, cleaning and administrative work.
Total Number of Volunteers Needed: 12
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Work With women groupings needed for 1 to 3 months
Opportunity Description: In Tanzania, women are economically weak. Though Chagga culture is one of the major attractions of tourism industry in Tanzania, Chagga people have not benefited from the tourism industry. Some local NGOs work with women’s groups are presently running different programs to improve the economic conditions of women. The projects that the women run are aimed at providing an income for the women. In this project, women are trained to make traditional crafts, beads, clothes, handicrafts, and other goods. These products are later sold in market and part of this income goes to the women. Also there is micro-loan and SACCOS given to them for their small business. This is a wonderful project and allows you to enjoy Chagga culture and rural life of Chagga people. Skills/Qualifications: There are no specific qualifications needed to join the women's project Tanzania. Though if you have skills in crafts, beading, and arts that would be great. You can join this project if you want to support the women in their efforts to make an income. Responsibilities: Often there is no formal structure or office for this project. There are 5 Chagga women's groups in 8 different Moshi wards of Mt. Kilimanjaro. These Chagga women's groups are coordinated and recognized by Moshi municipal council. You will travel to each village (nearly 30-50 minutes) by foot or Minibus “Daladala” each day If you are an artist or professional having skills on crafts, beads, ornament, and handicrafts you can teach the women recent techniques/design s so that they can make better products and sell their products in markets. If you are non-professional but just want to work and support these Chagga women, then you can work with them learning how to make various crafts, beads, ornaments. It would be a wonderful experience to work with one of the native tribes. Chagga women's group also need volunteers' help to learn English so that they can talk with tourists and sell their products directly. So, you can also run an informal English language class for Chagga women. If you have knowledge and skills about marketing, then you can help Chagga women to develop marketing strategies and help them to sell their products in national and international market. Besides women's group, you can run English language classes for Chagga children whom their parents can not afford to send them to school. Chagga youth often work as tourist guides making additional income for their family so learning English is vital.
Total Number of Volunteers Needed: 12
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Mission Statement: (See Web Site For Updated Information)
Foot 2 Afrika we want you to experience the real Tanzania. We are a small, vibrant, multicultural company and our adventures and projects reflect our company ethos: that fundamentally we are both very interested in what we do and love to immerse ourselves in the Tanzanian culture and heritage.
We are true partnership in Developments. Our ideas can be call “Bridges for Innovation” aimed at building capacities of existing NGOs working in Tanzania and East Africa over time. Given the necessary hands, tools, publicity and exposure, local people are the best agents to enact more sustainable social change in their own communities.

Providing locally based organizations with access to effective resources, and training in areas of common interest and creating a forum for sharing of areas of “best practice” within NGO management, with guest speakers etc would allow them to better serve their clientele.

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