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Last Updated: 01.02.10
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Countries/States Served: NG
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Types of Students Allowed:
Medical Students, Dental Students, Nursing Students, Pharmacy Students, Veterinary Students, Optometry Students
Program Length: Short Term (Less than 1 month)
Language Skills: English
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Current Volunteer Opportunities (Unpaid Positions)
Doctors on Exchange needed for Less than 1 month
Opportunity Description: We require doctors of all specialities. We need as many doctors as possible to volunteer 2 weeks of their time. Please send e-mail to doctors4africa@gmail.com so we can add you to the list.
Total Number of Volunteers Needed: 15
Find Out More
Mission Statement: (See Web Site For Updated Information)
I hope this will interest many doctors, physicians, surgeons, of all specialities, in developed countries. We need your help As many of you know already, the current state of our health system in many parts of Africa is deplorable. We have a long way to go in terms of proper health care even within the more prosperous parts of the various countries, now imagine what kind of health care is available in the poorer, remote villages. The doctor to patient ratio is very high, and even with this there is a flight of our doctors to developed countries because there are better opportunities. In most cases one relies on doctors that have little experience in the medical field. At the same time, out dated equipment and methods are used in clinics and hospitals, either because they cannot afford modern equipment or they lack the technical know how. As a result, many Africans who can afford it, seek medical treatment overseas. This will not solve the problem, we need do something about our local infrastructure. This is where we need your help. What we propose is a doctors exchange program. You will participate in a 2 week program in a hospital or clinic starting in Nigeria. We hope to expand to other countries in the near future as the organization grows. The NGO will organize placement in clinics and hospitals and all logistics for your trip and stay (airfare, accommodation, feeding, transportation e.tc.) We will ask that you do pay for the cost of these logistics, and we will sort them out for you. We anticipate that as we grow bigger and get more recognition, we will be able to get funding that will subsidize alot of these costs to you. So what is the benefit to you? Why give up two weeks of your valuable time, and spend your hard earned money? The simple fact is many Nigerians and indeed Africans need your help. Our doctors will benefit from your technical expertise, and our people need a chance to be able to improve their health especially millions of Africans that cannot afford to travel overseas for medical care. Whatever help you give will at the very least, greatly impact someone’s life. Yes, you do that where you are, but please come and do it in here.
What we need from you now. We are trying to compile a list of doctors that are interested in this program. Please forward to as many doctors (of all specialities) that you know. Please send your name, e-mail address, your speciality, and what country you are in to doctors4africa@gmail.com and we will send you details of what the program would entail.
Thanks for caring
Trips and Activities
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