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Crisis Corps
1111 20th St NW
Washington,DC,20526,United States

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Last Updated: 02.07.06
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Countries/States Served: Ecuador, Guinea, Jamaica, Malawi, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Namibia, Uganda, Zambia, Kenya, Guatemala, El Salvador, Saint Lucia, Guyana
People Utilized or Employed: Public Health, Nursing, General Preventive Medicine
Types of Students Allowed:
Program Length: Long Term (Greater than 1 month)
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Mission Statement: (See Web Site For Updated Information)
Togo Position: Clinical Technical Assistant/Crisis Corps Volunteer (CCV) Partner: Association Espoir pour Demain (AED)/Kara Projected start date: ASAP Duration: Six months AED/Kara was officially established in 2001 as a non-profit association of people infected and affected with HIV/AIDS in Togo, West Africa and is committed to pioneering a model program that delivers comprehensive HIV/AIDS services. A Crisis Corps Volunteer (CCV) has been requested to be heavily involved in the general capacity building activities involving current PCVs working on the AED/Kara Collaboration Initiative. The CCV will focus on organizing and reinforcing the clinical aspects of those capacity building goals. Duties include: Assist and train members, medical personnel, and psychosocial staff in design and implementation of routine consultation and monitoring program, including the creation of a confidential medical record system; assist in training teams of community health workers to conduct routine home visits to PLWHA to provide psychosocial support and monitor medication regimens, clinical symptoms, and weight; provide technical guidance (clinical and programmatic) in program implementation, monitoring, and evaluation; assist in capacity building of the Kara office to provide services on a region-wide basis with formation of satellite groups in prefecture capitals. Mandatory Qualifications: Successful completion of Peace Corps service, degree in nursing or medicine (RN, PA, NP, MD, or equivalent); training or experience in public health approaches to HIV/AIDS; experience working with HIV/AIDS in Africa; spoken and written French proficiency. Desired Qualifications: advanced degree in public health (MPH, MS, PHD, or equivalent); clinical experience in comprehensive HIV/AIDS care and treatment; familiarity and/or experience with community-based health approaches in resource poor settings. Living allowance, accommodations, transportation, and healthcare provided. See website for more details.
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