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Covenant House California - Los Angeles
1325 N. Western Avenue
Hollywood,CA,90027,United States

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Last Updated: 02.18.06
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Countries/States Served: CA
People Utilized or Employed: General Preventive Medicine, Infectious Disease, Family Medicine, Internal Medicine, Dentistry, Optometry
Types of Students Allowed:
Medical Students, Premedical Students, Dental Students, Predental Students, Nursing Students, Prenursing Students, Prepharmacy Students, Preveterinary Students, Preoptometry Students
Program Length: Long Term (Greater than 1 month)
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Mission Statement: (See Web Site For Updated Information)
Health Services

The lifestyle of street kids places them at particular risk for health problems and injury. The Health Services Center provides both residential and non-residential homeless youth comprehensive emergency and primary care medical exams, psychological, and psychiatric services and referrals to specialty care such as optometry and dentistry. Youth are provided important information on nutrition, STD/HIV prevention and other issues related to maintaining healthy lifestyles.

Mental Health Counseling

The Clinical Team at Covenant House approaches every ??youth at risk?? as a unique individual, worthy of our best efforts to help heal the pain they have endured in their lives, as well as helping them to find effective ways to manage their lives, present and future. Therapists provide both individual and group therapy. A psychiatrist consultant also assesses youth for mental health concerns, and prescribes medication as needed. Finally, a nursing staff works closely with the youth on their mental and physical health needs. Youth may also participate in a variety of groups that address issues such as substance abuse, high-risk sexual behavior, men??s and women??s issues, goal setting, sexual identity issues, social and cognitive skills.

Lifeworks Project
HIV/AIDS Services

Since 1988, Covenant House California has opened its doors to more than 50,000 homeless youth who suffer from the trauma of trying to survive on the streets and the physical or psychological abuse, neglect or high-risk behaviors that led them there. Covenant House California??s mission is to ??protect and safeguard all children of the street?? with ??absolute respect and unconditional love.?? through our comprehensive services of street outreach and residential programs with supportive services. Covenant House California helps kids escape life on the dangerous streets, resolve their crisis situations, and develop goals and skills that ultimately lead toward self-sufficiency and independent living.
Trips and Activities
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