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14 rue des Tourtelles
Lomé,BP 14 281,TG

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Last Updated: 07.11.13
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Countries/States Served: TG
People Utilized or Employed: Trainable Volunteers
Types of Students Allowed:
Medical Students, Nursing Students, Optometry Students
Program Length: Long Term (Greater than 1 month)
Language Skills: French
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Mission Statement: (See Web Site For Updated Information)
Volunteer opportunity for medical, nursing, psychology and optometry students in Togo.

CEC-Togo (Carrefour dEchanges Culturels / Crossroad for Cultural Exchanges) is a Togolese civil-society organization promoting international solidarity and development. We organize internships and volunteer opportunities in various sectors such as health (but also the environment and education). We have built stable and serious partnerships with many public and private Togolese health institutions :

• In Lomé (the capital of Togo) : the Sylvanus Olympio Centre Hospitalier Universitaire (University Hospital), which is the biggest health center in Togo.
• In Tsévié (medium-sized, semi-rural city 35km north of Lomé) : the Regional Hospital and the Polyclinic.
• In Alokoegbé (small rural town 50km from Lomé) : the town rural clinic, where basic care is delivered to the population. We are well implanted in the community, where we have organized a social-economic development survey. We currently try to focus on the long-term improvement of the town sanitation, this is why were also building ecological pit latrines in order to reduce water poisoning, and also awareness campaign on prophylaxis, hygiene and sanitation.
• In Davié (rural town 30km from Lomé) : the town rural clinic (which is slightly bigger than the Alokoegbé clinic)

We can provide for internship opportunities in three fields :

• If youre studying nursing or medicine, you can work in a Togolese health institution. You will discover how tropical diseases are treated and to work in a significantly different health system. Youll also be able to organize awareness campaigns on HIV/AIDS, malaria but also basic hygiene, drinkable water etc.

• If youre a graduate student in psychology, we can also provide for internships with the Psychology and Psychiatry Hospital in Lomé.

• We havent had any intern in optometry yet, but if youre interested we can check if theyre a suitable volunteer opportunity with the Sylvanus Olympio University Hospital of Lomé and keep you posted.

CEC-Togo is also a place for cultural exchange and to discover the Togolese culture. You will be housed by the organization and live collectively with our Togolese volunteers. Please note that in Togo, French is the official language, but most Togolese people are native Ewe or Kabiye speakers. English, on the other hand, is barely never spoken. This is why we ask our interns and volunteers to have a good working knowledge in French.

Were currently looking for interns and volunteers, alone or in group, that are looking to discover Africa while being truly useful. For more information on our actions, please visit our website (www.cectogo.org) and our blog (www.cectogo.skyrock.com). If youre interested, please contact us at cectogo@yahoo.fr.

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