A 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization
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Last Updated: 08.01.13
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Countries/States Served: US, NY
People Utilized or Employed: Trainable Volunteers
Types of Students Allowed:
Program Length: Short Term (Less than 1 month) and Long Term (Greater than 1 month)
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Mission Statement: (See Web Site For Updated Information)
Who We Are
CAMBA is a non-profit agency that provides services that connect people with opportunities to enhance their quality of life.

Why We Exist
Many New Yorkers face daily hurdles such as chronic homelessness, HIV/AIDS, language barriers, domestic violence, necessary job skills, and more. Since 1977, CAMBA has responded to community needs by creating individualized service-oriented programming.

What We Do
CAMBA offers integrated services and programs in: Economic Development, Education Youth Development, Family Support Services, HIV/AIDS Services, Housing Services Development, Legal Services.

Who We Serve
CAMBA serves more than 35,000 individuals and families, including 8,000 youth, each year. Specifically, we help people of low-income; those moving from welfare to work; people who are homeless, at risk of homelessness or transitioning out of homelessness; individuals living with or at risk of HIV/AIDS; immigrants and refugees; children and young adults; entrepreneurs and other groups working to become self sufficient. The majority of CAMBA’s clients live work and/or attend school in Brooklyn.

Who We Are
CAMBA’s multi-faceted dedicated staff of over 1,200 speaks more than 40 languages and serves residents of diverse ethnic backgrounds, including recent immigrants and refugees from the Caribbean, the former Soviet Union, Africa, Latin America, Southeast Asia, and elsewhere. Fifteen percent of our employees are also former clients, which allow us to truly connect with those we serve.

Where We Are
CAMBA’s programs are run from 50 locations in New York City, mainly in Brooklyn, including more than 15 school-based programs. Some of our facilities are open 24/7.

Our Results
Our experience shows us that, when provided with services and supports that are meaningful and culturally relevant, CAMBA’s clients can make tremendous contributions toward building their own lives and their community.
Trips and Activities
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