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Ariel Benor

Tel Aviv,Israel

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Last Updated: 04.08.15
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Mission Statement: (See Web Site For Updated Information)
I can accept failure, but I can't accept not trying. Be wise enough not to be reckless, but brave enough to take great risks. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x3h630_zionfestival_news http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sGFpdtaigPg&feature=related Success is just relative It's all up to you motivation and drive are the winners- you know it's true; ask Lance he knows; he fought thru the pain; I look at him and I jump on the train I push and I strive to succeed in my eyes no cries, no lies cuz id do it twice. This describes me well: You're a Seeker. Committed and focused you're hard-working and have a real passion for expanding your horizons. You have impressive levels of motivation and enthusiasm that inspires others. A sensitive soul with an expressive nature, you tend to be quite a romantic at heart. Sometimes you love nothing more than escaping into your very own dreamworld. Spontaneous new experiences can be really inspiring to you and you like exploring your creative side from time to time. Right now, you're feeling on top of the world. Sometimes everything in life seems to click into place. But with your positive mental attitude, it's no surprise that things are working out well for you. A healthy relationship really is the bedrock of a happy home, but it also takes a lot of energy and commitment to maintain. Make sure that with all the other distractions, your love life doesn't end up at the bottom of the list. It's important to remember to tap into your inner strength and to believe in yourself. Take on new challenges and stay stimulated so you remain enthusiastic and inspired by life. As a Seeker, you get excited by new ideas. You like adventure and original experiences that stimulate and challenge your status quo. Stay inspired with a rich mix of activities, and find time for hobbies that allow you to explore your creative side. Learn to recognize when you need variety in your life, and then incorporate it into your daily plans. You're an intellectual at heart. You value academic study and like the feeling you get when you learn something new. Now it's about continuing to grow and develop in life. It will work wonders for your self-esteem. Tel Aviv University | אוניברסיטת תל-אביב, , ,
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