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Linking Hands

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Last Updated: 01.01.06
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Countries/States Served: Australia, India, Malaysia, Singapore
People Utilized or Employed: Family Medicine, Dentistry, Surgery-General, Pediatrics, Internal Medicine
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Religious Affiliations: Christian
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Mission Statement: (See Web Site For Updated Information)
The mission of Linking Hands is to connect healthcare workers to humanitarian projects worldwide. Linking Hands connects medical professionals onto humanitarian projects in all parts of the world. Healthcare workers who are of the Christian faith and are interested in short-term medical missions experiences contact Linking Hands to discuss their areas of profession, preferences and calling. Linking Hands is in contact with major humanitarian projects and needs worldwide. We compile database of projects and their specific areas of need. Linking Hands matches the profiles of these medical professionals with its database of projects. Medical workers are then linked up with the contact managers in these projects. Medical workers are finally deployed into these humanitarian projects. Linking Hands is organized by a group of Christian medical professionals comprising of doctors, dentists, surgeons, consultants, nurses, medical and pharmaceutical specialists. Together, this team and its network of medical resources and mission contacts, mobilize healthcare workers, medical supplies and equipment towards worldwide humanitarian projects. Linking Hands is chaired by Drs. Goh Wei Leong and David Tay.
Trips and Activities
No trips found for Linking Hands.