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Doctors Without Borders/M?decins sans Fronti?res (MSF)
6 East 39th St., 8th floor
New York,NY,10016,

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Last Updated: 12.25.05
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Countries/States Served:
People Utilized or Employed: Obstetrics and Gynecology, Family Medicine, Internal Medicine, Surgery-General, Nursing
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Mission Statement: (See Web Site For Updated Information)
Doctors Without Borders/Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) is the world's largest independent international voluntary emergency relief service. About 2,000 doctors a year are sent to more than 80 countries through this program. Recipient of the 1999 Nobel Peace Prize, MSF prides itself on being one of the first relief organizations on the scene of conflicts, famines, and natural disasters, and often the last to leave, long after the international media spotlight has faded. Among MSF?s biggest current initiatives is a campaign to improve access to essential medicines worldwide. Assignments last six to eighteen months; however, surgeons and anesthesiologists may make commitments as brief as six weeks. All first-timers, with the exception of surgeons and anesthesiologists, must complete a six-month term of service. MSF recruits physicians, nurses, midwives, lab technicians, mental health specialists, pharmacists, epidemiologists, water and sanitation engineers, administrators and financial coordinators. A minimum of 2 years professional experience is required of all volunteers. MSF has no religious or political affiliations. Primary care professionals are needed, as are physicians in other specialties, including infectious diseases and emergency medicine. Over 80 countries worldwide
Trips and Activities
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