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A wide variety of volunteering oppertunities in Nepal ....... Enroll Now with INFO Nepal

Application Process:
  • Please read the  Booking Conditions before you apply.
  • Enter all information in the form below
  • INFO will review your application within 5 business days. If you are accepted into the program, you will receive an email notification, reserving your position in the training program. 
  • To confirm your reservation, You must send INFO your flight arrival details.
  • After we receive your flight details, you will receive an email confirming your position in the training program. 
  • You must be at least 18 years old to apply. 

Volunteer Application Form: Note all fields are required.

First Name Middle Initial
Last Name
Date of Birth  (mm/dd/yyyy)
Sex (M) (F) 
Marital Status
Full Address 
Education Level
Telephone No
Program Information

Why do you want to do volunteers service ? 

When do you want to  start? 
If other than above
How long would you     like to serve?
What type of service do you wish to do?  (Any 2)
Teaching English
Cultural Exchange
Health & Sanitation
Environmental Awareness

Orphanage or Happy Home
Teaching at Village Resource Centre Volunteer as  a Computer Teacher
Teaching in Mountain

Please describe  any  relevant experience  you may have regarding your selections above:

Any special conditions regarding your service that INFO should be aware of?


How did you find out about us?

Contact INFO  24 hours


977 - 01 - 4700210


977 - 9851054813

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- Volunteer's Experience

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- Orphanage Home

- Happy Home

Sponsorsed by INFO 2006

The children there were absolutely little angels from heaven.  They just loved the library and us unconditionally from day one.  The most enjoyable time was at the library in the mornings and evenings.  I had brought some English teaching books and was glad I did as I used those for all my lessons the whole three weeks. The youngest kids were brilliant in that they had excellent memories of spelling and the name of objects. 

Karina Puikkonen

USA - December 2006

I feel absolutely privileged that I was able to spend my time in Nepal within such a great little community but also that during my stays in Kathmandu I was able to stay at Happy Homes orphanage. For that I thank the children, Asim, his wife Namretta and their two beautiful sons, for being so welcoming and making my stay there so much fun. I would also like to thank the charismatic Bicky, in whom we trusted and was always there to lend a helping hand. Also all the other volunteers who I was lucky enough to share my whole experience with and will look forward to keeping in touch with.


We both really loved our time in the village, although it was hard at first to converse with the little Nepali that we knew, but the people at the village were very friendly and eager to help us. We miss all the children, friends and family, they really made our stay unforgettable. 

We would like to thank INFO Nepal for the wonderful experience and for organizing the Nepali lessons and time spent at the training village prior to our placement, it really prepared us for living a village life.

Ying and KC Tang

Australia - Dec 2006

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